Getting Started
New to CultureAI? This section gives you a clear overview of how our platform helps you detect and reduce human risk.

User and Identity Management
Configure user provisioning, single-sign on and role based access control alongside manual and smart user groups

Configuring Telemetry Sources
Enable and set up our various integrations for data ingestion

Configuring Interventions
Automate your response to mitigate detected risks

Email Phishing
Setting up and using CultureAI's simulated email phishing.

Security Centre
Navigating and using your Security Centre

Using and creating JIT, notifications and training content

Investigating Behaviours, People and SaaS
Explore the events, behaviours, and patterns that drive risk within your organisation.

Reporting and exporting data from CultureAI

API Reference
Our API Reference Guide

Getting Help
How to raise support tickets and what to expect

Best Practices
Advice, templates and employee FAQ's to help you communicate and roll out CultureAI smoothly.

Managing communications from your CultureAI dashboard