JIT Personalisation Tokens - What do they look like?

How Personalisation Tokens format in live notifications to employees

When creating JIT notifications to send to your employees, you will see a section called "Personalisation Tokens".

While building your notifications, these will look like %%Example Token%%. Once they are sent to your employees, they will format with data instead. 

The below guide shows you what all the tokens will look like in a live email.


Date and timings

Delivered Time - %%Delivered Time%% - 15/05/2024 at 10:00am (UTC)

Send Time - %%Send Time%% - 15/05/2024 at 10:30am (UTC)

Click Time - %%Click Time%% - 15/05/2024 at 10:35am (UTC)

Credential Disclose Time - %%Credential Disclose Time%% - 15/05/2024 at 10:41am (UTC)

Report Time - %%Report Time%% - 15/05/2024 at 11:00am (UTC)

Detected on Domain - %%Detected On Domain%% - theglassdoor.net

Detected on site name - %%Detected On Site Name%% - Glassdoor

Username - %%Username%% - joe.bloggs@example.exa


Scenario (for phishing emails)

ID - %%Scenario | Id%% - 16

Name - %%Scenario | Name%% - Glassdoor Remuneration statistics 

Subject - %%Scenario | Subject%% - Remuneration statistics for your role 

Domain - %%Scenario | Domain%% - theglassdoor.net

Level - %%Scenario | Level%% - high

Scheduled By - %%Scenario | Scheduled By%% - Continuous Phishing

Scenario From (for phishing emails)
Name - %%Scenario | From | Name%% - Glassdoor

Address - %%Scenario | From | Address%% - no_reply@glassdoor.net


Click Source (for phishing emails)

IP Address - %%Click Source | Ip Address%% - 12.345.678.9

User Agent - %%Click Source | User Agent%% - Mozilla/5.0 (Android 10;K) AppleWebKit/573 (KHTML Gecko) Chrome// Mobile Safari

Os - %%Click Source | Os%% - IOS

Breakdown Indicators (Weak passwords)

(These should be used as a part of a sentence, such as "Does your password contain upper case letters? - %%Breakdown Indicators | Password Uppercase%%)

Password length - %%Breakdown Indicators | Password Length%% - No

Password Uppercase - %%Breakdown Indicators | Password Uppercase%% - No

Password lower case - %%Breakdown Indicators | Password Lowercase%% - Yes

Password Digits - %%Breakdown Indicators | Password Digits%% - Yes

Password Special Chars - %%Breakdown Indicators | Password Special Chars%% - No

Guessable Password - %%Breakdown Indicators | Guessable Password%% - No


Common (Titles and behaviour information)
Title - %%Common | Title%% - Employee clicked a simulated phishing link

Subtext - %%Common | Subtext%% - Glassdoor Remuneration statistics

Date - %%Common | Date%% - 15/05/2024 at 10:00am (UTC)

Time - %%Common | Time%% - 10:00am (UTC)

Behaviour Indicator - %%Common | Behaviour Indicator%% - NEGATIVE

Data Source - %%Common | Data Source%% - Simulated Email Phishing


Common Employee (employee details)
ID - %%Common | Employee | Id%% - 201233456

Forename - %%Common | Employee | Forename%% - Joe

Surname - %%Common | Employee | Surname%% - Bloggs

Email - %%Common | Employee | Email%% - JoeBloggs@example.exa


Event (event IDs and occurrence numbers)
ID - %%Event | Id%% - 12345678

Occurrence ID -  %%Event | Occurrence Id%% - #1234678

Occurrence Number - %%Event | Occurrence Number%% - 6

Occurrence Number Suffixed - %%Event | Occurrence Number Suffixed%% - 6th

Push ID - %%Event | Push Id%% - #12345678