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Set DNS for custom employee portal with Cloudflare

How to configure DNS to enable custom domain usage with CultureAI Security Centre

Setting up a custom URL for your employees to access the CultureAI security centre can be achieved by creating a CNAME record that points a subdomain to securitycentre.culture.ai. This guide walks through the steps required to set this up in Cloudflare. 


Setting up a custom Security Centre URL

1. Choose your sub-domain 

Choose a the sub-domain you want your employees to use to access security centre. Please click here to see our guide on this.  In this example we will use the sub-domain 'examplesub'. Your users will be able to access the security centre at:


2. Log into Cloudflare

Log into the Cloudflare account where you manage your domains' DNS records:


2. Click 'Select Website'

Click 'Select Website' in the top menu

3. Select your domain

Select the domain under that you want the Security Centre to be accessed via. For examplesub.yourdomain.com you would select 'yourdomain.com'.

4. Click the 'DNS' tab

Select the 'DNS' tab from the ribbon:

5. Add a new record

Create a new CNAME record with your subdomain examplesub.yourdomain.com 

Point your subdomain to securitycentre.culture.ai using the following settings:

  • Type: CNAME
  • Name / Subdomain: [your chosen subdomain (i.e. examplesub)]
  • Target / Value: securitycentre.culture.ai
  • TTL 300 seconds (or any other non-zero value)

6. Click 'Save'

Click save to add the new record.

7. Add a second record

Create a second record to insert your CNAME values from the CultureAI dashboard

  • Name: CNAME value from the CultureAI dashboard
  • Value: CVALUE value from the CultureAI dashboard

8. Click 'Save'

Click save to add the new record.

8. Browse to your custom domain

You should now be able to browse to your custom domain. Please note that this can take up to 12 hours to verify fully. In which time you may see DNS errors when you try to access your security centre.

If you have any issues with verifying your domain, please contact support via success@cutlure.ai for further help.