Allow List emails with Mimecast

How to Allow List CultureAI Phishing simulations through Mimecast

Sometimes email filters will filter out the CultureAI simulated phishing emails, it's important to implement Allow Listing to prevent this.

You can Allow List emails in Mimecast from the CultureAI dashboard. If you haven't already done so, you will first need to enable the Mimecast integration.

Mimecast has recently updated with two versions of their API, for this, please use V1


  1. Login to your CultureAI admin dashboard
  2. Click on the cog button at the top of your page
  3. Click the 'Integrations' tab
  4. Locate the 'Mimecast' button and click on it
  5. If the integration isn't enabled yet, click the 'Enable' button and follow the steps that will appear on screen
    Mimecast has recently updated with two versions of their API, for this, please use V1
  6. Once enabled click the 'Allow-list Syncing' section
  7. Press the toggle to enable allow list syncing
  8. Click 'Save'
  9. You're done! Phishing Simulation emails should now filter through Mimecast without issue