Slack Feature to Permissions map

Which feature requires what permissions in the Slack integration

When you enable Slack, you will have two options;

Full Permissions - Enable all permissions, this will allow you to use every feature of the Slack integration without restriction.

Required permissions - Only enable the permissions required for the features you'd like to use. To do this, you will need to toggle on all the features you wish to enable, then, enable the Slack integration. You can find out more about setting this up by clicking here.


Feature Bot Scope(s) User Scope(s) Requirement
Default (Will always be required) chat:write, app_mentions:read   For replying to @ in the chat
  chat:write.public   Write to public channels without being added to them first
  users:read   Access to users.list   To map Slack users to employees
  channels:read, groups:read, im:read, mpim:read   For channel listing
  im:write   For when we direct message
  channels:join, channels:manage   For conversations joining (public channel joining)
Slack Phishing users:read,, users.profile:read,   To read user profiles for names/icons & mapping users to employees
  channels:history, groups:history, im:history, mpim:history   Ready message history in all channels, groups, etc
  chat:write.customize   To send with a different name/icon
MFA Syncing   users:read,, users.profile:read To read the has_2fa flag on users and map them to employees
Access Log Syncing users:read,   To map Slack users to employees
    admin To use team.accessLogs
Message Scanning users:read,   To map Slack users to employees
  channels:history, groups:history, im:history, mpim:history   To receive message events
    chat:write To delete the message
Message Reporting commands, channels:read, users:read,   To add our context menu item